Coach Lindsay



love how beautifully running parallels life in its inevitable moments of discomfort and pain, joy and beauty.

We excel when we become comfortable with a certain amount of discomfort, when we keep showing up for ourselves and when we have patience when forced to redefine what ‘showing up’ means.

We’re pushed to take risks, knowing that the potential for failure before success is real.

We learn from our mistakes, our communities, our wins and our setbacks.”

what is your coaching philosophy?

The words I have on repeat to many of my athletes: “You are infinitely stronger than you will ever let yourself believe.” The possibility that comes with belief is the greatest thing a coach can offer an athlete.

The journey to a start line goes way beyond the time they spend logging miles. What excites an athlete about their goals? What is their relationship with running? What’s happening in life outside of running that’s playing into their ability to show up for themselves on the run? When do they need to be pushed and when is a reminder to breathe the best thing a Coach can offer?

Ultimately, there’s no one-size-fits-all prescription for training or racing. Part of the journey is about taking action, then reflecting as you tease out what works for you as you progress towards your goals. I love getting to know athletes and working with them to figure out what tools they need to excel.

A few pro tips for your athletes.

Get clear, not just on your goals, but on why they matter to you.

Call yourself out on the narratives you create that don’t serve you.

Don’t lose sight of the fact that recovery is just as important as the toughest workout.

Focus on the wins, turn setbacks into opportunity and use each experience, good or bad, as fuel to drive you forwards.

Most of all, enjoy the ride!

Most memorable coaching moment?

Finish lines. Always.

I’m a big believer in showing up and investing in the dreams of others, so any opportunity to cheer my heart out, add a little jet fuel to tired legs in the home stretch and walk away with a mega-dose of inspiration myself is a big win. I’ve been lucky enough to be the recipient of a few very sweaty “I can’t believe I just did that” finish line hugs, and it is definitely a powerful moment.

favourite race distance?

My gut reaction is that I refuse to answer this question. I love to push myself and am often guilty of being very nerdy in my astonishment for all that the human body is capable of as I take on new challenges.

If I could only pick one distance for the rest of my life, I’m going with a half Ironman distance. I like the variety of workouts, both long haul efforts and all-in speed and power. I feel my strongest when combining swimming, biking and running, and the thrill of race day never gets old.

I do love the marathon though, mostly because I learn so much about myself as an athlete and a human each and every time that I commit to putting my heart on the line at that distance.

In 2018, I went way out of my comfort zone by committing to 5k races. I felt more intimidated on those start lines than I ever have at a marathon or even Ironman, and it was so fun to challenge the narrative that I had created for myself around my strengths as a runner. Plus, if you have a tough day at a 5k, you get another kick at the can a week later. Knowing that allowed me to be really playful with my racing which was exhilarating .

So yes, I refuse to answer that question.

Career Highlights

  • Earning the opportunity to represent Canada in triathlon, and experiencing instant connection over a shared passion with athletes around the world.

  • Acting as a Pacer for the lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon and 10k races where the opportunity to support runners in achieving big goals cemented my drive to become a Coach.

  • Leading teams of runners and cyclists to raise over $75,000 for cancer research - a cause near and dear to my heart. The power of sport to elevate our communities and create positive change is very real!